Pancyprian Exams

  • Pancyprian Examinations
The purpose of Pancyprian exams are:

The grant Apolytirion to students in the last cycle of Secondary education public schools, except for students of the last class of Night Schools and Night Technical schools, which have specific tests for dismissal in accordance the operation of Public Night Schools Regulations.
The grant Apolytirion to students in private high schools that similar type of public high schools, provided that the above schools want students to join them in the national exams for the purpose of granting Apolytirion.
The allocation of places in the Higher Education universities and institutes of Cyprus and Greece, which may be offered by Greece through the Ministry of Education and Culture of Cyprus.
The administration of «certificate access» and «general level of classification» to interested candidates. Please note that the «certificate access» and the «overall degree classification» apply only to the year that the national exams conducted on the basis of which granted the above.
The submission by the Service Exam Ministry of Education and Culture of Cyprus, to the Greek government, scholarships proposed list, according to the results of Pancyprian exams and the conditions imposed by the Greek Foundation (If offered).

Right to participate:

The Cypriot nationals or those who have one of their parents Cypriot origin, and who are:

Students of the last class graduates of public high schools, or English School Nicosia, which operates on the basis of their English School (Administration and Control) laws and the amendments thereto, or private schools established and operated in accordance with the Private Schools Laws of 1971 to 2004 and the amendments thereto.
Students of the last class graduates of higher secondary school education, which operates legally in a foreign country, provided they furnish a certificate from the competent educational or diplomatic principle of this country, which attest that the baccalaureate or are held to give the candidate, gave him/her the right to import in their respective Higher Education in this country, and
Community nationals and third country nationals studying in the last class or a graduate school described in A paragraph.
