• Aiki Manga
Aiki Manga 2017-05-02T10:18:34+00:00

Project Description

Aiki Manga

Aiki manga features genres such as action , martial arts , comedy and and a certain amount of over 18 content. The black and white manga revolves around the story of Joukyuu Kunitoshy who is a martial artist. It is 98 chapters long. Every chapter consists of about 25 to 30 pages. It’s a fun manga to read and a nice way to spend your time.  It is not just an interesting story but there are also many funny moments in it that make it enjoyable.

The Aiki Manga funs and weebs in Cyprus or anywhere else can download the app ‘Manga Rock‘ on their mobile phones or computers and read the manga for free at this link : https://www.mangarockapp.com/

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